In this podcast series, we discuss the cross-cutting issues regarding the peace and non-violence movement of youths, women, and other groups in Nepal.
Episode 3: मानसिक स्वास्थ्य र लक डाउन
In episode 3 we invited Dr. Chhatra Amatya and Jyotshna Shrestha to aware people of mental health. Especially about mental health during the lockdown.
Episode 2: Work From Home & Gender Dimensions
In this second episode, we are talking with four leaders of Nagarik Aawaz regarding the benefits and drawbacks of the new norm "Work From Home". How gender dimensions play a role?
Episode One: Peacebuilding & COVID-19
In the first episode, our founder Ms. Rita Thapa and our CEO Ms. Susan Risal are discussing, 'Peacebuilding and Covid-19'. With our host Ms. Shikha Bhattarai.